2017 Ride London 100 for Bliss

Created by Verity Baldry 30th July 2017 This event has closed


100 miles of cycling past some of London’s greatest landmarks and Surrey's biggest hills on Sunday 30 July to raise money for Bliss. This is my 2nd attempt at the event after being cut short in 2014 at 89 miles of wet, soggy cycling due to the weather conditions (and 3 incidents myself!). The money you donate will help Bliss in their work to support over 90,000 babies born every year premature or sick. http://www.bliss.org.uk/Event/prudential-ridelondon-surrey-100


Training Log, 9th July

9th July 2017
After ~5 months of training I'm up to 70 miles so far and another solid 50 miles in the bank yesterday around Richmond Park. Nearly there... Feel free to 'check' the evidence on Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/4879512